Today is the day

Yes, you must start today, not tomorrow, if there is anything that should have started yesterday.

Tavishi Jain
2 min readSep 15, 2022

We all used to decide a day when we will start doing some work which we want to do since long be it related to work, health, self learning etc. but could not start that day. For example: we say I will start doing workout from next Monday, I will start dieting next Sunday, I will join driving classes coming Saturday, I will start learning guitar this Sunday, I will talk to my friend this Monday to whom I haven’t talked since long and so on, but have you been able to do at your decided time????

I think most of us are not able to do so. Although we are very motivated to do our task, we do all the preparation for the same, but due to some or the other reason, we just don’t do so. And after the time runs out, we used to regret as well that why we were not able to do so and we used to crib about it for next 10 days that I have decided to do this, I did not do it, I want to do it, how to do it, what to do blah blah blah.

If you are struggling to start something since long, if you are explaining yourself since many days that you will start that particular things from tomorrow and if you really want to do that but you could not do due to some of the other reason, then today is that day, put aside all the distractions and get started.

And if you are again convincing yourself that you will start from tomorrow then let me know my friend tomorrow never comes. At least make the first move today, you yourself will enjoy the feeling of satisfaction and this feeling will motivate to continue it.

Let me tell you one more thing, if you continue delaying then you will end up loosing a day, a week, a month, a year and you will not realise. Then a day comes after some months or years, when you will be in the same position and again convincing yourself to delay it by one more day.

So, what are you thinking, stop reading, the article is finished :P, standup, assemble all the things required and make today that day you are looking for since long.

Good Luck.



Tavishi Jain

I am developing the habit of penning down my thoughts and experiences. Novice writer | Novice Mandala Artist | Software Developer at Google